
Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy

Urologist & Andrology Laboratory located in Great Neck, NY

Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy

About Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy

Do you struggle with erectile dysfunction (ED) but want to avoid taking medication? In Great Neck, Long Island, New York, board-certified urologist Bruce R Gilbert, MD, PhD, offers painless, low-intensity shockwave therapy to maximize erections and restore your sex life at any age. Schedule an evaluation by phone or request one online today to get started.

Low-Intensity Shockwave Therapy Q & A

What is low-intensity shockwave therapy?

Low-intensity shockwave therapy is a noninvasive treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) that uses sound waves to regenerate cells, stimulate blood flow in the penis, and maximize erections without medication or harsh procedures. Dr. Gilbert is highly skilled in administering this treatment using cutting-edge technologies and procedures.

How does low-intensity shockwave therapy work?

It’s not entirely clear how shockwave therapy works to improve erectile function. The shock waves appear to stress the cell membranes, causing your body to release growth factors and stimulate new penis arteries and nerve cells. This treatment might also reduce inflammation and cellular stress.

What are the benefits of low-intensity shockwave therapy?

Choosing low-intensity shockwave therapy with Dr. Gilbert offers:

  • Stronger erections
  • Longer-lasting erections
  • Improved sex life
  • Improved blood flow
  • New cell generation
  • Improved penis curvature
  • Less penis pain
  • Greater self-confidence
  • Better quality of life

Shockwave therapy is a quick, comfortable treatment that doesn’t require downtime. It’s highly effective in improving sexual function in men struggling with ED.

Is low-intensity shockwave therapy right for me?

Dr. Gilbert meets with you during a consultation to determine if shockwave therapy is right for you. He discusses your symptoms, medical history, lifestyle, sexual function, and desired outcome. Dr. Gilbert might suggest that you undergo blood and urine tests, a urologic ultrasound, or other diagnostic tests to determine the cause of your ED and how to best treat it.

Before you undergo treatment, Dr. Gilbert evaluates your erectile function, erectile hardness, length, and girth. He has you complete a questionnaire.

Shockwave therapy is not a match for people younger than 18 and those with pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, urologic cancer, or coagulation disorders. It’s also not indicated if you use devices sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.

What can I expect during low-intensity shockwave therapy?

Dr. Gilbert uses ultrasound gel to apply painless shock waves to your penis and surrounding tissues during low-intensity shockwave therapy. The treatment is well-tolerated without anesthesia and usually lasts 15-20 minutes.

Dr. Gilbert often recommends several treatments spaced over time with periodic maintenance treatments to maximize sexual function. He follows up routinely to ensure an optimal outcome.

Schedule an evaluation at Bruce R Gilbert MD, PhD, PC, by phone or request one online today to determine if you’re a candidate for low-intensity shockwave therapy.

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